Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Explanatory Synthesis Notes

The topic of my essay is about the gluten free diet trend. In this essay, I want to communicate to the audience why the gluten free diet has only recently developed in the last decade or so, and why they might find themselves encountering a gluten free person or perhaps come across gluten free products when shopping at the grocery store. I first want to explain what gluten is at first and where it can be found. I also want to go into detail about the aspects of a gluten free diet which includes its pros and cons.
My sources for this paper are a novel, a magazine article, and an image. The novel is called Gluten Free Living, and it is basically a guide as to how to live a gluten free lifestyle. This book will provide me with statistics of the number of people who are on gluten free diets and why.
The magazine article I chose, The Great Gluten-Free Diet Fad, discusses a personal story as to why a boy named Sam went gluten free. This will help me communicate to the audience in a way that is personal to someones life. The article also explains the science behind celiac disease.
My third source is a bar graph the supplies percentages as to why people have decided to go gluten free. This image will assist me in providing more information and statistics on the benefits of a gluten free diet.

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