Wednesday, January 27, 2016

4. Explain the symbolic meaning of a piece of clothing.

The hood on a coat or sweatshirt covers the head, ears, and some of the face. It is not only a form of protection, but it is also a sort of badge that one wears. On the badge is written "Don't go near me, for I am far too busy for you to get in my way." The hood blocks out the outside world so that one can have his or her attention focused on whatever matters the most in that present moment. However, the hood can serve a purpose that is less aggressive. A hood can act like a shell on a hermit crab. A person can cower themselves behind the hood as not to be seen, to be hidden from the world around them. When a person wears a hood, they appear to be dark and mysterious, but when the hood is removed, it is as if they are reborn in a way.

What does it mean when I say _____?

What does it mean when I say "happy?" When a person says "I'm so glad with my career choice. I'm so happy," I think they are in denial. I hope to be a pilot one day. That is the career choice that I have chosen that I think will make me the happiest. However, I do not actually want to be pilot. What I actually want is to be on the beach with my friends having some cold beverages. What I actually want is to go skydiving and run down the sand dunes in Colorado. Having fun is my idea of happiness.

My idea of _____ is like _____.

My idea of reading is like my idea of going to mass. Reading is tedious, boring, and makes you want to sleep. Church is very similar to that. Have you ever read a book or heard a homily that changed your life? Me neither. However, I know that reading and going to church are good for me. I may not remember every book I've read or every homily I've heard, but I know that every time I read or go to mass, it plays a small a part in the development of the person that I am today.

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